It has been over a year since I received my last Islamica Magazine, before I found out on its website that it was ceasing operations. So recently I was encouraged by an email on March 10th, 2009, that Islamica was resuming operations with Issue 21. Thinking that my subscription has lapsed, my wife re-subscribed, and we waited for our issue.
About three weeks later she received this e-mail stating that Islamica was refunding the cost of her subscription, and it included this note:
Additional comments: We regret to inform you that Islamica International Ltd (the “Company”) has ceased all its activities with immediate effect. The Company is currently undergoing voluntary liquidation procedures as a result of financial difficulties.
Ok, so I thought that I would not receive any issues at all, but then a surprise came a week later. My original subscription did not lapse after all, and they sent me issue 21. Issue 21 came with it a letter explaining their recent disappearance, and it was delivered and published from Kuwait.
The magazine has been an enjoyable read so far, it’s too bad that they had to shut down (again). Their website at http://www.islamicamagazine.com has also been shut down and replaced by a placeholder.
Islamica Magazine Becomes Islamica – Letter to Subscribers (Text)
Islamica Magazine Becomes Islamica – Letter to Subscribers (Image)